Mark Wee
Executive Director
DesignSingapore Council · Singapore
Mark leads the DesignSingapore Council in driving and implementing national policies on design as Dsg continues on its Design 2025 journey—which is to make Singapore an innovation-driven economy and a loveable city, by design.
A design veteran with wide industry connections, Mark has brought the work of the Council to the attention of global design leaders via platforms such as Brainstorm Design, Milan Design Week and the International Architecture Exhibition (La Biennale di Venezia). This has laid the groundwork for the Council’s upcoming plans to grow the Singapore Design Brand more aggressively overseas.
A respected experience designer, Mark is frequently invited to speak at design events. He aims to use these opportunities to deepen the conversation on defining good design for the Singapore context in 2019.
Mr Wee is a design thinking pioneer in Singapore, having designed award-winning innovative experiences for the public and private sector. An award-winning architect, Mark was recognised by the Urban Redevelopment Authority in 2017 as the top 20 Under 45 architects in Singapore that would define the next generation.